A.) Deadlift
-work up to a heavy single
B.) 4 rounds for time
150m suitcase carry
50ft DB OH lunge 50/35 (25ft/25ft)
50 double unders
C.) strength
4 rounds - athletes choice of weight
10 stone hold squats
100m stone carry
3 rounds - 120/90
100m sled pull
100m reverse sled drag
D.) 3 rounds for time
350m assault run
30 Back extensions
15 Toes 2 bar
10 KB snatch (5/5) 53/35
E.) accessory work
5x20 reverse ghd hyper (only bodyweight)
4x10 Superman 5 second holds
3x20 straddle leg lifts
6 x 15 second ring support L-sit (emom)