A.) clean + push jerk
work to heavy
B.) WZA 2014
30 pullups
15 cleans @ 135/95
20 C2B pullups
10 squat cleans @ 165/110
10 bar muscle ups
5 squat clean & jerks @ 185/125
RX+ : 155/105, 185/125, 205/135
C.) strength
back squat
1x5@ 80%
1x20 @ 40%
Pendlay row
-Heavy set of 5
- 3xME @ 60% of make
D.) 4 rounds for time
10 DBx2 cleans 50/35
25’ FR DB lunge
10 DB front squats
25’ FR DB lunge
E.) 10 rounds of shuttle sprints
cones @ 10’ , 20’