2013 Regionals Event 2+3 remix
A.) 0:00-10:00
5 rounds
every 2 mins complete
(1+2) - squat snatch + overhead squat
-ascending, Rx: 10lbs jumps per attempt
(5 total lifts, you have 60 seconds to complete the lift, if you do not complete you must go down 10lbs)
B.) @ 13:00-20:00 , 7 min cap
30 burpee ring muscle ups for time
Int: 30 burpee bar muscle ups
scaled: 30 burpee ches2bar pullups
mod: 30 burpee jumping chest2bar pullups
C.) Strength
Snatch grip hold, from hi blocks
5x30sec @ 100-115% of snatch
Bench Press
- 5x3@77.5%
Strict Press
- 5x3@77.5%
Seal row, wide grip
- 7x3@heavy as possible
Seal complex front raises + press - 3x12
Ring HSPU work
- spend 10 mins working on ring hspu support and ring hspu on low rings
parallete kipping hspu
3x5 @ heighest depth possible
1 pad strict HSPU, narrow hand placement
E.) Conditioning - (remix of todays mainsite workout)
1 min ME cal AD
3 mins rest
1 min ME triple Unders
3 mins rest
Cal AD
Triple Unders