

A.) Back Squat



B.) 2013 Regionals Event 4

For time:

100 Wall balls (20/14 lbs to a 10’ target)
100 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
100 One-legged squats, alternating
100 One-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating (70/50 lbs)

Time cap: 25 minutes


Actual perscription for class : 20 min cap

70 wall balls 20/14

70 pullups

70 pistols

70 DB snatches 55/35

RX : 25 min cap : 100 wall balls 20/14, 100 C2B pullups, 100 pistols, 100 DB snatches 70/50

scaled: 50 reps of each, 100 air squats, 35/20



C.) Strength

hang clean, ascending weight, ahletes weight choice

set of 10

set of 8

set of 6

set of 4

set of 2


defecit clean pull 4”

7 sets @ 75-85% of clean

3 to knee + 2 hi pull, from floor


D.) Explosive work


50lbs/30lbs Dball/medball squat clean and throw

20 max effort attempts to push ball as far and high as possible exploding out of squat. After every 4 attempts complete 20 weighted ghd situps



Explosive work complex

4 max effort broad steps + 12” depth jump + broad jump + High box jump


in all one, somewhat, continuous effort, complete 10 sets of above. After every 2 sets complete 1 min dead hang


E.) maintenance-

3 rounds

12 one legged quad extension

12 one legged ham curl

10 narrow tempo air squats, heels on plates

10 reverse hyper


mobilize lower. 


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