-DU technique-
-DB OHS technique-
2017 CrossFit GAMES EVENT 11 remix
”2223 intervals” - 4 rounds total.
3 rounds:
2 minutes on, 1 minute off:
11 burpee box overs 24/20”
40 double unders
max reps DB - OHS
Rx: 50/35Rx+:70/50
Int : 35/20
Scaled : front rack
on 4th round, time is extended to 3 minutes. Go until 80 DB OHS total over entire workout is completed. If you finish before the time, you are done. If you have not completed all 80 squat reps, you add your reps not completed to the 9 minute cap.
every 10 reps you must switch hands. (40 in right total, 40 in left total)
B.) Strength
Front Squat - athletes choice in weight.
clean pull + clean
8x(2+1) @ 60-75%
C.) 5 rounds
1 min dead hang
*in between every round, carry 150/100 stone 100m any style.
D.) 3 rounds - for quality - GHD complex
10 weighted GHD situps
5 slomo GHD situps (as slow as possible)
-20 second breath-
ME GHD situps
10 one legged box jumps (5/5) @ high as possible
E.) Run 2 miles at any pace.