

A.) Front Squat  

5x3 @ 80% 


B.) “Boxlife Chipper 2018” 


25 wall balls 20/14

20 power cleans 95/65

15 KB swing 53/35

25 pullups

15 KB swing

20 power cleans

25 wall balls  


RX+ : 30/20, 135/95, 70/53, C2B




c.) strength

power clean + clean

(1+1) x 6 @ 78-88% 


 Below knee super-man halting pulls (bar mid thigh/power position, shoulders over bar)

hold bar in top position for 3 seconds

5reps x 5sets @ 60% of clean



D.) gymnastics


100 C2B pullups in least amount of rounds as possible (INT : 80, SC: 60)


20 secs of work

40 secs of rest


-until the total amount of work is completed  


E.) muscle stamina


Same format as above:

100 DB front rack walking lunges 50/35x2


F.) accessory  

3 rounds

15 goblet squat 70/53

15 weighted back extension 53/35

15 weighted situp 35/25 (DB on chest) 



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