

-HYPE’s 10 step single legged / pistol squat progressions- 


complete 6 reps total at each progression, alternating legs every rep: 


1• feet touching pole squat

2•  feet touching pole squat + kick out

3• Pole squat pistol

4• band under butt - pistol squat

5• band holding pistol squat

6• pistol squat to bench

7• pistol squat with plate under heel + holding plate out in frontal plane

8• pistol squat with plate under heel

9•  pistol squat holding plate out in frontal plane

10• full pistol squat


A.) 1 minute - max effort :


Pistol squats


Int = banded pistol squats

scaled = Front rack DB box step ups, 35/25 24/20” 


B.) 3 rounds - for max reps



10 burpees

20 Air squats

30 double unders


- 2 minutes rest- 



C.) Strength  



10x3 @ 50%


snatch RDL

5x10 @ 40% of snatch


back squat

5x10 @ 40% 


Accumulate 50 stone deadlifts

athletes choice of weight. Try to work touch n go sets of 10 at varying weights


D.) Endurance


4 rounds- for effort

600m assault runner

600m ski erg

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