

A.) 2 minutes max effort: 


Back squat

Rx: 275/185

Int: 225/155

Scaled: 165/105


B.) AMRAP 10


100ft OH DB lunge

30 DB snatch  

30 T2B


Rx: 70/50

Int: 50/35

Sc: 35/25



C.) Strength


Snatch hi pull + above knee hang snatch + snatch

(1+1+1)  x 6 @ 60-80% ascending



Halt snatch DL (2sec @ knee) 

5x3@ 90-100%



 Front squat, pause 

 3x3 @ 80-90% of clean max


4 rounds

10 side monster walks L+R

8 ME Bulgarian split jumps


D.) let the strength gains set in. 


Easy cruise AMRAP 15

10 cal Echo bike

20 situps

CrossFit HypeComment